In the event that you wish to make cryptocurrency transfers from time to time to other clients registered with Banexcoin, you can do so using Banextransfer's frequent transfer option. This will make it easier to make your payments or transfers with cryptocurrencies, allowing you to make several payments at the same time as follows:

First, Create Your List

To create the list, you must log in to your Banexcoin account, go to the withdrawal option that you can see in the left menu of your screen, then you must click on Banextransfer. You will see the "frequent" option, which you must select to be able to see the option to add a list. Click on it to enter.

Add Clients to Your List

To continue, you must add clients to the list you have created. To do this, on the frequent Banextransfer screen, you must click on the "Add Client" button. This will open a form where you must select the cryptocurrency you want to send to the client you are adding, the amount you want to send, and the email address of the person registered in Banexcoin. To add more people to your list, you must repeat the same process within your list menu until you have all the emails of the people you want to send to.

Sending Funds

With the list created, to send funds, you only have to enter your list and click on the "send funds" button. Then enter your 2FA code to confirm the withdrawal, and the funds will be sent instantly to the members of your list.

Now you can send to several contacts at the same time with a single click. If you have any questions about the process, do not hesitate to write to us at [email protected].