To obtain a customer level increase on our platform, it is necessary that you meet certain requirements and request a level increase through your Banexcoin account.
1.- You must log in and you will be able to see the following screen, where you will find information about your current customer level and the levels to which you can request an increase.
In the example that you will see below, you will be able to see how to make your level increase request. To do this you must click on the button "Increment to level Amateur" and follow the instructions that you will see below.


2.- After having clicked on the "Increment to level Amateur "The system will show you the data that you must have on hand to be able to carry out the process, as shown in the following screen:

Take in mind the stages that the verification has and then click on “Understood



We recommend for the best experience, use your mobile phone for this step. Take in mind the stages that the verification has and then click on “Understood” 


On the first screen of the form you must: 


  • Use your smart mobile device to scan the QR code (It is not necessary to download another application for the QR code scanning, entering through the camera of your device you can do it).If you do not have a smart mobile device, you can continue with the verification from your computer. 




Subsequently, from the device you have chosen to continue, you will be able to carry out the identity verification, for this you must:

  • Take the front photo of your identity document (DNI, Passport or Immigration Card as the case may be) 

  • Take the back photo of your identity document (DNI, Passport or Immigration Card as the case may be) 

  • Take your selfie following the steps that will automatically appear on the screen.

  • If you are a Peruvian citizen, you must enter with your identity document (DAYS) 

  • To be a foreign citizen (not Peruvians) with residence in Peru, it is necessary that you enter for both sides (rear and front) your immigration card 

  • If you are a foreigner and reside outside of Peruvian territory, you must take the photo of your passport where your data is displayed, both times.



Take in mind that: 


  • You must keep the document and the camera steady when taking the images, try not to move your face in the case of the selfie or identity document for approximately 3 seconds after the photo has been taken to avoid the image being captured with blur

3.- After taking the photos you will see the following screen on the device from which you have captured the images:


4.- Once you have entered your identity document and your selfie photo, wait a few seconds, then you must return to the device from which you started the verification (in case you have captured the images with your cell phone) and click on “CONTINUE” so that you continue with the next stage where you must complete the information required to verify your identity. 


5.- After entering your data correctly and click on "Next”to complete your process




6.- When you finish loading your data correctly, you will be able to see this confirmation screen and you must click on "Return to Banexcoin



If you have completed your level increase request process successfully, including all the necessary requirements correctly, and our information validation procedure does not result in any problems, then you will receive an email indicating that your level increase has been approved.


Once the message is received in your email address, you will know that you have reached the level of Amateur client and with it you will be able to start carrying out operations in Banexcoin. 


If any field is incorrect, you should try again by clicking on "Shall we try again?” and be able to carry out the verification.




  • According to our terms and conditions, you are under the responsibility of providing your real personal data whenever it is requested. We remind you that in order to activate your Banexcoin account you must validate your identity, uploading a photo on both sides of your identity document and a selfie. Once the verification and validation process is completed by the department in charge, you will obtain an Amateur customer level. 

  • We guarantee the protection of your personal information, it will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties, unless it is necessary to comply with current laws, carry out transactions or verify identity through specialized companies.