At Banexcoin, we provide you with an Referral program through which you can refer your friends or acquaintances and receive a bonus for each exchange operation your referral completes. This will allow you to receive 10% of the fees that the platform collects for each exchange operation your referral carries out on it, of course, after deducting the 18% General Sales Tax (IGV) with which our commission is subject.


What is the referred link?


The referred link or Referral tag is a web link through which your friends can register with Banexcoin, thus adding referrals to your Banexcoin account and you will receive profits every time they carry out exchange operations on the platform. The more referrals you have or the more known they use your link to register and the more operations they carry out in Banexcoin, the greater the benefit you will get!


How to generate your referred link?


To create your referred link or Banexcoin referral code you just have to enter your account and complete the following steps:

1- Click on "My profile"

2- Once in settings click on "Referral Program" you can find it on the right side of the screen

3- In the Referral Program screen go to the current referral code section and click on the button "Create referral Tag"

4-Assign a name of your preference to your Referral code in the "Tag name (Tag) or Alias" field

5-Click on the button "Save"

6- Once you have created the referral tag, you can share the link with your friends or family.

We have created a Gif for you where you can see the step by step to create referral tag

Validity period of the referral program:

Customers with referrals registered up to December 31, 2024: The validity period of the referral registrations will expire on December 31, 2024.

Customers with referrals registered from January 1, 2025: The validity period of the referral registrations will be one calendar year, counted from the date of the referral link affiliation by the referred individual.

¡Ready! you will have already generated your Referral link then you can copy it to send it to whoever you want and thus be able to enjoy the benefits of the Banexcoin Referral Program!